Introduction to Digital Black & White Photography

The Emirates Palace Hotel, Abu Dhabi

We see colour photos very differently from black and white photos, because we don’t actually see the world in black, white, and shades of grey. In colour, we’re looking at and discerning things in a scene based on the actual colours we perceive. Colour helps us to differentiate one pictorial elements from another. In a … Read more

Moon Over Panjim Church

Moon Over Panjim Church

That whole day was spent testing Tamron 150-600 lens review of which you can see in my last blog. When returned back to my hotel at Panjim I was very tired. For dinner we went to a old classic Goan restaurant next to the Panjim Church. After ordering food gazing up the sky, I noticed … Read more

Moon With Jupiter

Moon With Jupiter

The photo above is from October 7th, Sunday 11:30 PM IST, Jupiter with the waning gibbous moon. As seen from Earth, the moon looks much larger than Jupiter. But Jupiter is actually much bigger than our moon. The moon only appears bigger, because it’s so much closer to us. That evening, the moon is about … Read more

Canon EOS 5D Mark III review

It is Friday the 13th, and the world is abuzz with a rumor of 5D Mark III recall. I know for sure that this rumor is a April fool joke done little late. So leaving all fears aside, let us review the brand new Canon EOS 5D Mark III. When original EOS 5D was launched … Read more

Holi Super Moon!

Raising Supermoon Over Konaje Kallu

Coincidence with Earthquake at Japan and subsequent tsunami made the Hindu festival Holi’s moon on 19th March a Super Moon. With sensation seeking media on the toes for disaster of magnitude larger than the devastation at Japan, I headed to the highest place in my home town to capture this Super Moon. When I reached … Read more

Flying Kites

Small Indian Kites with Grasshopper

That Sunday evening I was strolling with my Canon EOS 5D mark II fitted with Canon EF 300mm f/2.8 L IS USM & Canon EF 1.4x II Extender. Focusing with 5D Mark II was not as efficient as 7D. It used to hunt before getting proper focus. I saw small bush fire nearby. People here … Read more