Inch Worm

This curious looking caterpillar was found inside Kadri Park in Mangalore when I went for a stroll on Sunday afternoon. Light was terribly bright and I had no flash with me nor any method to shade. This moth caterpillar belongs to family Geometridae. Most probably caterpillar of Dysphania militaris moth. It is called Inch Worm … Read more

St. Aloysius Chapel HDR 3

As it is IPL 2 season I am running a hat-trick here with 3 HDR’s in a row. Here is the 3rd and the final part of St. Aloysius Chapel. You can check the HDR’s here. Here I concentrated on the alter of the chapel and wanted the stained glass panels to come out. The … Read more

St. Aloysius Chapel HDR 1

For this HDR image of St. Aloysius Chapel I used 3 shots taken at 2 stop bracketing and used Photoshop to do the HDR. St. Aloysius Chapel, or the chapel of St. Aloysius College, is a Christian chapel in Mangalore in the state of Karnataka in southwest India. The St Aloysius Chapel in Mangalore was … Read more

Yellow-billed Babbler

The Yellow-billed Babbler also called the White-headed Babbler (Turdoides affinis) is an Old World babbler endemic to southern India and Sri Lanka. The Old World babblers are a large family of Old World passerine birds characterized by soft fluffy plumage. These are birds of tropical areas, with the greatest variety in southeast Asia. The Yellow-billed … Read more

Thanks For Making My Blog Famous!

I have to thank all you nice people out there making this personal blog site a great success. This website saw over 30,000 hits in April 2009, with bandwidth crossing 2GB/month. So on 30th April 2009 the site was down as the bandwidth exceeded 2GB. I had earlier thought 2GB was more than sufficient bandwidth … Read more