Carpenter Bee

Carpenter Bee

I spotted this Carpenter Bee (Xylocopa latipes) on a dry twig. It was holding a twig with its jaws and hanging limp and remained so for quite a long time. It was the resting behavior of these bees. Unfortunately the twig was fairly deep in the bush. Fear of waking this bee when I approached … Read more

Long Legged Fly

Long-legged flies, Family Dolichopodidae

Long-legged flies, Family Dolichopodidae, make up quite a large family and together with the shore flies, Family Ephydridae, are amongst the most common true flies to be encountered along the shores of our ponds, lakes and streams. Unlike the pesky houseflies, which are nusiance mongerers, Long Legged flies are beneficial, in that they prey upon … Read more

Hammerhead Worm

Hammerhead Worm

I found this hammerhead worm, Bipalium species in my car shed being teased by ants. I was using Canon EF 100mm f/2.8L Macro IS on Canon EOS 5D Mark III with Canon Speedlite 580EX II Flash which was not very adequately diffused. The bare flash, despite my feeble attempts to diuffuse it, caused some amount … Read more

Focus Stacking Using Zerene Stacker

Focus Stacking Using Zerene Stacker

Focus stacking is a technique which helps to extend an apparent depth of field in a picture. It works especially well for macro and landscape shots. It will be more useful when the smallest aperture is often insufficient to render everything in focus. When we require more depth of field (or more area in focus), … Read more

Hyllus semicupreus

Hyllus semicupreus

As I was crouching on the ground to capture some short horned grasshoppers, a curious spider which was watching me all along wanted to have a closer look at me. It started climbed on my pants. Here is that very bold jumping spider Hyllus cf. semicupreus posing on my pants 🙂 Hyllus semicupreus is also … Read more

Kissing Ants

Kissing Ants

Ever the opportunistic photophile, I perchanced upon these foraging major workers of the common weaver ant, Oecophylla smaragdina, locked together in a deep kiss, though even if it does seem like the ants are passionately kissing each other, it serves a whole different purpose altogether. Ants frequently indulge in this ‘kissing’ action, which in scientific … Read more