Tawny Coster Butterfly

Tawny Coster Butterfly

It was near dusk, when I spotted this delightful Tawny Coster butterfly (Acraea terpsicore) weakly fluttering over a patch of Tridax Daisy flowers (Tridax procumbens), popularly known as ‘Mexican Daisies’ or ‘Coat Buttons’. Mexican daisies belong to the Sunflower family (Asteraceae ) and are quite common, all across the plains of India. Standing around 30-60 … Read more

Art of Smoke Photography

Art of Smoke Photography

The art of smoke photography is an ethereal technique, through which exquisite strands of mysteriously swirling smoke are captured against a largely black or white colored backdrop, and it is a feat which is pretty easy to accomplish. The best time to attempt smoke photography is at night, when ambient light is at its lowest. … Read more

Halictine bee

Halictine bee

Honey bees are not the only bee species that are significant for human wellbeing. I found this Halictine bee resting by biting and hanging on to seed cluster of grass. Halictine bees which are also known as “sweat bees,” as they are often attracted to perspiration. They play a vital role in the pollination ecology. … Read more

Canon EOS 7D Mark II Hands-on Review

Carpenter Bee using 500mm f/4

When the original Canon EOS 7D made it’s début, back in 2009, it offered photography enthusiasts the first ever affordable cropped sensor Camera, with hyper fast burst rates capable camera for sports and wildlife photography. Five years later, with the new Canon EOS 7D Mark II set to bring back it’s predecessor’s professional-level features and … Read more

Long-Jawed Orb Weaver – Tetragnatha spider

Long-Jawed Orb Weaver - Tetragnatha spider

My bathroom is haven for spiders. Huntsman spider, Cellar spiders (Pholcidae), Adanson’s House Jumper are all coexist with us. They also help rid my bathroom of pesky cockroaches, ants and mosquitoes. The Newest entree to my bathroom spider menagerie is a long-jawed orb-weaver Tetragnatha species. I was surprised to find this relatively common garden dwelling … Read more

Introduction to Digital Black & White Photography

The Emirates Palace Hotel, Abu Dhabi

We see colour photos very differently from black and white photos, because we don’t actually see the world in black, white, and shades of grey. In colour, we’re looking at and discerning things in a scene based on the actual colours we perceive. Colour helps us to differentiate one pictorial elements from another. In a … Read more