Lens Blur Filter to Create Depth of Field

Egret after Lens Blur

Shallow depth of field can make the sharp subject stand out from the blurred background. If you want a similar effect when using smaller aperture like f/5.6 or f/8 which usually has larger DOF, you need to opt for Photoshop. This is a manipulation of your capture and ethically I do not support such gross … Read more

Common Rose

Common Rose (Pachliopta aristolochiae) on Stachytarpheta mutabilis

All these photographs of Common Rose were captured at Sammilan Shetty’s Butterfly Park at Belvai where I did field test of Canon EOS 7D mark II using Canon EF 70-200mm f/2.8L IS II USM. During the same capture I also conducted an interview to find what inspired Sammilan to invest so much energy and effort … Read more

Intermediate Egret

Intermediate Egret (Cropped)

Along with the Black-headed Ibis which was featured in my earlier blog, I also found the Intermediate Egret which was hunting the same marsh a little far away. As the bank of the marsh was very steep I could not get water level angle I wanted to capture. These captures are from top of the … Read more

Plexippus Jumping Spider with a Cricket

Plexippus Jumping Spider with a cricket

This female Plexippus cf. petersi jumping spider was in my courtyard preying on a cricket. As I scrammed to get my camera, the spider was trying to find a safe place for its lunch among the crevices away from this flash wielding photographer. I was using Canon EOS 5D Mark III with a Canon EF … Read more

Miyar Kambala 2015

Miyar Kambala 2015

Kambala is folk sports that is unique to Udupi & Mangalore districts of Karnataka. It is held throughout the day with different pairs of buffaloes running in a muddy water managed by a chaser. Most of the Kambala pictures are a cliché of similar shots. I wanted to show the excitement of the Kambala, with … Read more

Black-headed Ibis

Black-headed Ibis

Same day as I photographed sun bathing Little Cormorant, on the opposite side of that marsh, I spotted Black-headed Ibis. Ibis was flooded with great evening light. I wanted to get into the marsh and wanted to get water level capture of this bird. Unfortunately bank was very steep and there was hardly any opportunity … Read more