Tips to Tack Sharp Photos

Brahminy Kite at f/8

In my Earlier blog I had briefly described how to get sharper photos for closeups. Many of you have asked me to give much more detailed tips to produce sharper photos. Here are few tips to get sharper photos. Use the sharpest aperture of your lens – All camera lenses have their sharpest result at … Read more

Depth of Field

Wild male house cat - Rafiki, in my garden

Depth of field (or DOF) is the zone of sharp focus in front of, behind, and around a subject. A photographer decides on the ‘look’ of his photograph by choosing this depth of field consciously. For example, a shallow depth of field results from the subject of interest being in much sharper focus than all … Read more

Canon EOS 5D Mark III review

It is Friday the 13th, and the world is abuzz with a rumor of 5D Mark III recall. I know for sure that this rumor is a April fool joke done little late. So leaving all fears aside, let us review the brand new Canon EOS 5D Mark III. When original EOS 5D was launched … Read more