How to Properly Transfer Images from Lightroom to Photoshop and back!

Transfer Images from Lightroom to Photoshop

Adobe’s Lightroom Classic is an incredibly powerful tool incorporating perhaps 80-90% of all the tools that we photographers generally need. There are however times, when we need to do some post-production work in Photoshop, perhaps working in layers, maybe for the content-aware tool, whatever the reason, we need to be able to move cleanly from … Read more

Yellow Bush Dart

Yellow Bush Dart

One late evening I found this whitish bodied damselfly resting on a dry twig in the garden. It was quite dark outside. So I picked up my macro rig which consisted of Canon EOS 5D mark II fitted with Canon EF 100mm f/2.8L Macro IS USM. For illumination I used ExpoImaging Ray Flash Adapter fitted … Read more

Common Picture Wing

This is a colorful golden yellow and brown winged dragonfly which can easily be mistaken for a butterfly from far away. I found it on one afternoon perched on a dry twig fluttering its wings to a strong breeze. It is female Common Picture Wing Dragonfly(Rhyothemis variegata), also called Variegated Flutterer. I was using my … Read more

Mysore Zoo Part 1

After Kokkrebellur trip we went back to Mysore. We had our breakfast at nearby McDonald’s outlet on the Bangalore Mysore Highway. It was a contrast from earthly Kokkrebellur to McDonald’s outlet. I did not find anything tasty or interesting other than nice Rio movie memorabilia toys which my daughter liked very much. Research from the … Read more