Stratiomyidae Soldier Fly

Stratiomyidae Soldier Fly

I found this soldier fly resting on a leaf in my backyard. I was using Canon EOS 5D Mark III with Canon EF 100mm f/2.8L Macro IS USM. The Canon Speedlite 580EX II, I was using was fitted with ExpoImaging Ray Flash Adapter. Unfortunately the shiny metallic body of the fly produced plenty of specular … Read more

Culex Mosquito

Female Culex quinquefasciatus mosquito

Fun part of insect photography is getting bitten by them. Macro photography consumes both considerable amount of time as well as considerable quantity of blood which are donated to these insects. Mosquitos rank number one blood suckers in that list. You will find bunch of these Culex mosquitoes in your garden roosting on the green … Read more

Long Legged Fly

Long-legged flies, Family Dolichopodidae

Long-legged flies, Family Dolichopodidae, make up quite a large family and together with the shore flies, Family Ephydridae, are amongst the most common true flies to be encountered along the shores of our ponds, lakes and streams. Unlike the pesky houseflies, which are nusiance mongerers, Long Legged flies are beneficial, in that they prey upon … Read more

Focus Stacking Using Zerene Stacker

Focus Stacking Using Zerene Stacker

Focus stacking is a technique which helps to extend an apparent depth of field in a picture. It works especially well for macro and landscape shots. It will be more useful when the smallest aperture is often insufficient to render everything in focus. When we require more depth of field (or more area in focus), … Read more

The Eye of The Fly

Calliphoridae - Blow Fly

Unlike humans, a fly has five eyes. Three simple eyes, with little more than an ability to distinguish light from dark and sense movement and two much larger, compound eyes. Compound eyes are a feature unique to Insects. Instead of a single lens, insects see the world as a composite diorama, through many hundred or … Read more

Banana Stalk Fly

Banana Stalk Fly (Telostylinus lineolatus)

I found this Banana Stalk Fly on our Sugar apple (Annona squamosa) tree in my garden. I was attracted by the flock of insects and butterflies to the rotten Sugar apple. This lonely fly was difficult to capture as it used to disappear behind branches as soon as its big eyes spot my camera. I … Read more