Ropalidia Wasp

Ropalidia Wasp

I found this Ropalidia species of paper wasp, resting on a leaf in my garden. I used my Canon EOS 5DS R fitted with Canon EF 100mm f/2.8L Macro IS USM, lit by Canon MT-24EX macro twin light flash with a DIY diffuser to capture this wasp. The social wasp genus Ropalidia, a primitively eusocial … Read more

Social Carrying in Weaver Ants

Social Carrying in Weaver Ants

While photographing for the last blog on weaver ants I observed one of the weaver ant worker was carrying another worker in its mandible. This bares the question as to why? Are these individuals being carried lazy or are they injured or even dead? The answer is none of these but is in fact that … Read more

Weaver ant

Weaver Ants

I photographed these major workers of Weaver ants (Oecophylla smaragdina) as they were running up and down the laterite wall. I have used 5D SR coupled with Canon EF 100mm f/2.8L Macro IS USM with Canon MT-24EX macro twin light flash. Even though they were moving quite fast I was able to focus on them … Read more

Coromandel Marsh Dart

Coromandel Marsh Dart

This relatively common damselfly is Coromandel Marsh Dart (Ceriagrion coromandelianum). I have used Canon EOS 5DSR with Canon EF 100mm f/2.8L Macro IS USM using 36mm Kenko extension tube. This whole setup is illuminated by Canon MT-24EX macro twin light flash with a modified diffuser to reduce highlights. Coromandel Marsh Dart (Ceriagrion coromandelianum) is a … Read more

Tetragnatha Spider

Tetragnatha Spider

This relatively common garden dwelling spider is a long-jawed orb-weaver Tetragnatha species. Long-jawed orb weavers belong to the family Tetragnathidae. I have used Canon EOS 5DSR with Canon EF 100mm f/2.8L Macro IS USM using 36mm Kenko extension tube. This whole setup is illuminated by Canon MT-24EX macro twin light flash. They were first described … Read more

Leaf-rolling Weevil

Leaf-rolling Weevil

I found this long necked juvenile beetle on a leaf in my garden. That day I was using Canon EOS 70D with Canon EF 100mm f/2.8L Macro IS USM on a 25mm Kenko extension tube. The illumination was by Canon MT-24EX macro twin light flash. This is full frame capture at near 1:1 resolution on … Read more