All About Tripods

MeFOTO GlobeTrotter Travel Tripod Kit

Many photographers casually set up the tripod and use the various tilts and adjustments in a haphazard way. It is preferable, however, to be more methodical in setting up the tripod, if time and situation permit, to provide precise positioning of the camera and the greatest possible stability. ~ Ansel Adams, The Camera On our … Read more

Weaver Ant – Oecophylla smaragdina

Weaver Ant - Oecophylla smaragdina

In my garden I have a huge Indian almond (Terminalia catappa) tree. It has several nests of weaver ants(Oecophylla smaragdina). It was late in the evening. Sun was setting on the western horizon as a golden orb. I spotted few major workers of the Weaver ants climbing up the Indian almond tree. As I went … Read more

Oriental Garden Lizard

Oriental Garden Lizard

That afternoon sunlight was pretty harsh. I was searching for some insects in the undergrowth of this tall tree. That is when I spotted this Oriental Garden Lizard (Calotes versicolor). It was in my garden hunting for food. This male was in non-breading colors. He was the dominant male in the garden till last 6 … Read more

Small Indian Kite

Small Indian Kite (Milvus migrans govinda)

I saw this Small Indian Kite (Milvus migrans govinda) feeding some carrion on top of a electric pole. A House crow (Corvus splendens) nearby was distracting the Kite and trying grab that piece of meat from the kite. Even though I would have liked the bird on a natural perch, I did not want to … Read more

Flying Fighters

Flying Fighters - Black Kite and Booted Eagle

In my earlier blog I taking successful bird in flight photos here, I wanted to repeat the capture. Today I was up for a treat. I was shooting some green bee eaters flying past me. Suddenly from the corner of the eye I noticed two raptors getting into a fight formation. They were quite far … Read more

Photographing Bird in Flight

Asian Palm Swift

I wanted to celebrate my new year’s eve last year by capturing few birds in flight. I was at that time testing my Canon EOS 1D Mark IV fitted with Canon EF 300mm f/2.8 L IS USM + Canon EF 1.4x II Extender. I wanted to test its speed in continuous auto-focusing on a fast … Read more