Asian Openbill at Kambala

Asian Openbill at Kambala

It has been a month since famous Kadri Kambala (Buffaloe Race) had taken place at Mangalore. I was driving past the Kadri Kambala fields on that afternoon I saw this Asian Openbill catching snails in the Kambala fields. Kadri Kambala is one of the famous and the first Kambala to occur in a Kambala season. … Read more

Chestnut-tailed Starling

Chestnut-tailed Starling

Last month I was photographing in the late evening when I found few of these Chestnut-tailed Starlings on a tree. There were a bunch of them hopping around searching for insects under the bark. They were very active and the light was fading. I used my Canon EOS 5D Mark III with Canon EF 300mm … Read more

Asian Brown Flycatcher

Asian Brown Flycatcher

That November evening I spotted this Asian Brown Flycatcher (Muscicapa dauurica) in my garden among dry branches of a fallen tree hunting for insects. I used a late evening light to capture this bird at close quarters using my Canon EOS 5D Mark III with Canon EF 300mm f/2.8L II IS USM and Canon EF … Read more

On the Road with a Bird Watcher

Little Egret

[This week’s blog is by Sukanya Rao. She is the better half of my good friend and an avid birdwatcher Rohit Rao. In response to a link about a blog on problems of Birdwatcher’s wife – Wife to a birder, she sent me this article. This article was earlier presented at Toastmasters International Club meeting … Read more

Wire-tailed Swallow

Wire-tailed Swallow

I found this wire-tailed swallow resting on a tree trunk near the river bed at Mulki when I had gone for bird watching recently. That day I found lots of migrant waders near the river bed. I have created a second blog of those birds here. Please go through both the blogs. All these photos … Read more

Waders At Mulki


That day I found lots of migrant waders near the river bed at Mulki where I had gone for bird watching. All these photos were taken using Canon EOS 5D Mark III fitted with Canon EF 300mm f/2.8L II IS USM and Canon EF 2X III Extender. I was hand holding this new rig for … Read more