Nymph Roach

I found this nymph of cockroach in the plant actively hunting for smaller insects. It is not nymph of best-known pest species are the American cockroach, (Periplaneta americana)Most probably nyph of one of the wood cockroach species. Cockroaches (or simply “roaches”) are insects of the order Blattaria. This name derives from the Latin name for … Read more

Black and Yellow Mud Dauber

I just saw this Black and Yellow Mud Dauber building nest on one of the granite pillars at my courtyard. As the reflection of twin lights on the round body of the insect was quite harsh, I wanted to try new diffuser on my Canon MT-24EX macro twin light flash. I usually have Gary Fong … Read more

Mating Weevils

I found these mating Weevils on a slender creeper. Not able to identify as there is scanty info about weevils. I took this photo without using flash. You can see the nice green background which is blurred (Bokeh). Since depth of field was shallow I had to go away from extreme closeup to keep the … Read more


Here is the green canopy created by the Wild Castor bean(Ricinus communis) leaf. Naturally back lit by sunlight. You can also notice a ladybird beetle at the center of the image. The castor oil plant, Ricinus communis, is a species of flowering plant in the spurge family, Euphorbiaceae. It belongs to a monotypic genus, Ricinus, … Read more

Handmaiden Moth

These mating Amata cyssea moths commonly known as Handmaiden moths that are day-flying members of the Arctiidae or Tiger moth family and Subfamily Syntominae. They mimic wasps in their body and coloration. Even for a predator who does not get deterred by wasps, the occasional bright body colors usually advertise a bad taste, so Handmaidens … Read more

Inch Worm

This curious looking caterpillar was found inside Kadri Park in Mangalore when I went for a stroll on Sunday afternoon. Light was terribly bright and I had no flash with me nor any method to shade. This moth caterpillar belongs to family Geometridae. Most probably caterpillar of Dysphania militaris moth. It is called Inch Worm … Read more