Fulvous Forest Skimmer – Female

Fulvous Forest Skimmer - Female

I found these female Fulvous Forest Skimmer (Neurothemis fulvia) dragonfly roosting on a dry branch in our kitchen garden. Two of these female dragonflies were sitting there continuously in the same position for 6 days without a break. It was raining heavily during that period and I could get only a short time to photograph … Read more

Blue Oakleaf Butterfly

Kudremukh National Park is treasure trove for animal watchers. Entering into the Malleshwara township inside Kudremukh National Park on that day we spotted a cicada sitting on a moss covered tree branch. As I was photographing the cicada which was sitting higher up in the branch I noticed from the corner of my eye a … Read more

Jumping Spider

Phintella Spp. Jumping Spider

This jumping spider was photographed on a rainy day on the top of my car. The background what you see is the pearl white finish paint of the Maruti Suzuki Swift car. Rain droplets as well as the spiders eye reflect the light source which was my ExpoImaging Ray Flash Adapter which was mounted on … Read more

Red Palm Weevil

Ready.... Steady....GO

Actually a very beautiful animal, this red palm weevil (Rhynchophorus ferrugineus), is widely found in southern Asia and Melanesia, where it feeds on a broad range of palms including coconut, sago, date, and oil palms. It is a serious pest of palms, particularly coconut. For example in Tamil Nadu, India, yield losses of 10-25% have … Read more

Blue Tiger Moth

Even though that evening was drizzling I was trying to photograph Black Drongos (Dicrurus macrocercus) which were busy catching insects during late evening. Light was fading but my new Canon EF 300mm f/2.8L IS lens was able to get many pictures albeit in slower speed. As I came back to my In-laws house I saw … Read more

Black Potter Wasp

Black Potter Wasp

On that Sunday I was looking out for critters in my garden. I found this black bee like insect with deep bluish iridescent wings (similar to carpenter bee but far slimmer and smaller than them) on an Indian almond (Terminalia catappa) flowers. On a closer inspection it turned out to be a wasp than a … Read more