Cattle Egret

Cattle Egret (Non Breeding plumage)

I found these cattle egrets (Bubulcus ibis) on a dry tree branch at Gurupura. They were all huddled together over a marshy land there. I wanted to create a dramatic contrast with dark background and a rim light for these white birds. It was 4PM with bright light all around. I had Canon EOS 5D … Read more

Canon EF 100-400mm f/4.5-5.6L IS USM II Hands-on

Canon EF 100-400mm f/4.5-5.6L IS USM II

This is a very brief hands-on test of Canon EF 100-400mm f/4.5-5.6L IS USM II. I am very fortunate to have this lens loaned to me for testing by my good friend Rajashekar Meti, who purchased it on my recommendation when it was introduced earlier this year. Many of my friends had asked me to … Read more

Asian Openbill at Kambala

Asian Openbill at Kambala

It has been a month since famous Kadri Kambala (Buffaloe Race) had taken place at Mangalore. I was driving past the Kadri Kambala fields on that afternoon I saw this Asian Openbill catching snails in the Kambala fields. Kadri Kambala is one of the famous and the first Kambala to occur in a Kambala season. … Read more

Nir-Laksha Dweepa-Day3-Minicoy

Boat Jetty at Minicoy

I was rudely woken up at two o’clock in the morning to find out that air conditioner of the ship had stopped working. AC did not restart at all. It was getting hot and uncomfortable in the room. Even the tiredness of Kalpeni’s long snorkeling trip did not help me to get back to sleep. … Read more