Asian Openbill at Kambala

Asian Openbill at Kambala

It has been a month since famous Kadri Kambala (Buffaloe Race) had taken place at Mangalore. I was driving past the Kadri Kambala fields on that afternoon I saw this Asian Openbill catching snails in the Kambala fields. Kadri Kambala is one of the famous and the first Kambala to occur in a Kambala season. … Read more

On the Road with a Bird Watcher

Little Egret

[This week’s blog is by Sukanya Rao. She is the better half of my good friend and an avid birdwatcher Rohit Rao. In response to a link about a blog on problems of Birdwatcher’s wife – Wife to a birder, she sent me this article. This article was earlier presented at Toastmasters International Club meeting … Read more

Crop Factor

I have covered the topic of cropping in my earlier blog here. Today I want to talk on Crop factor. The film SLR camera manufacturers when shifting to digital, found it was quite expensive to produce sensor which was the size of the 35 mm film. What they resorted was to produce a smaller sensor … Read more

Canon EOS 5D Mark III review

It is Friday the 13th, and the world is abuzz with a rumor of 5D Mark III recall. I know for sure that this rumor is a April fool joke done little late. So leaving all fears aside, let us review the brand new Canon EOS 5D Mark III. When original EOS 5D was launched … Read more

Mysore Zoo Part 2

In the first half Mysore Zoo trip we had visited mammals of the zoo. In the second part let us concentrate on birds. Mysore Zoo holds distinction of having India’s biggest ‘Walk Through Aviary’. There are two parts to this aviary. One is at Mysore zoo and the other at nearby Karanji lake, which is … Read more

Karanji Kere

Spot-billed Pelican

After Somanathpura visit I came back to Mysore city. Had lunch and visited Natural history Museum. Close to the museum was the lake which was teeming with birds. This was Karanji Kere. The lake has boating facility and a nice a walk along one side. The walkway around the lake was very nice for photographing … Read more