Last Sunday it was raining heavily. In the night my daughter called my attention to an ant which was trapped in silken web. my initial thoughts were that it was a spider’s web which had trapped the ant. I could not see any spider around. It was dark and i was struggling to focus on the head and eyes of the ant in My Canon EOS 5D mark II using Canon EF 100mm f/2.8 USM Macro under the modeling lamp of the Canon MT-24EX macro twin light flash. As I was shooting I noticed a small larva next to the ant. Then I realized that the web was the creating of this larva. You can see the larava at the edge of the picture. The ant must have attacked the larva which in retaliation spewed web all over the ant which had the ant trapped. You can see the web more clearly in this second photograph.

As i took these shots it started raining heavily and Next day morning I could not trace either ant nor the larva.
Interesting find.