Hungry Red-whiskered Bulbul (Pycnonotus jocosus) chicks asking for food. Parents of these two chicks abandoned nest which was built on a pillar inside a house at Bondel, Managlore. We tried feeding with worms and insects. Sadly despite our best of care & effort they did not survive :-(.
Hang Me Not!
Culex Mosquito hanging from Touch Me Not (Mimosa pudica) leaf. This was shot on my Canon EOS 40D using Canon EF 100mm f/2.8 USM Macro and 12mm Kenko extension tube hand-held with Canon MT-24EX macro twin light flash.
Thanks For Making My Blog Famous!
I have to thank all you nice people out there making this personal blog site a great success. This website saw over 30,000 hits in April 2009, with bandwidth crossing 2GB/month. So on 30th April 2009 the site was down as the bandwidth exceeded 2GB. I had earlier thought 2GB was more than sufficient bandwidth … Read more
Golden Eye
Indian Bullfrog (Hoplobatrachus tigerinus) is a very large semiaquatic frog, measuring up to 170 mm. Dorsally greenish or brown with dark spots and often a light vertebral line. Ventrally whitish. Males become yellow in the breeding season. Skin with longitudinal rows of tubercles. Hands without webbing, feet more or less fully webbed. Males with nuptial … Read more